Tag Archive: memories

Give yourself space.

A few months ago I was scrubbing my white hand towels on a washboard outside in the sunshine. (Cause ya’ know sometimes the washing machine just doesn’t cut it:) This is the kind… Continue reading

Day 4 of Jumping

Another post from my mama! Jumping today was not jumping. It was more like cruising. We were cruising down the freeway before dawn. It was beautiful. And then, there was traffic. Yes, there… Continue reading

Day 3 of Jumping

Today was a stunning day! Drove from Eureka to Santa Rosa, California on Highway 101. I thought we would make it further, but seeing that we took the scenic route again, it took… Continue reading

  • A Little About Me

    My name is Jill. I’m a writer, deep thinker and on a quest to BE PRESENT and BE LOVE. I’m an ex-churchgoer. I’ve lived in 27 different places in my life. I was once an island dweller and I’ve been a pioneer in a handful of start-up organizations in the USA, Switzerland, and Honduras. Oh and I should mention that I was a real 40-yr-old virginĀ  when I came out. I hope to validate others experiences in abusive churches by sharing my stories and truths. I want you to leave here thinking differently and honoring that still small voice within you.

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