Tag Archive: pride

Love Bath

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror… Continue reading

The Secrets Christians Keep

It did feel like a secret at the time because of all of our Christian beliefs about homosexuality. I guess the only remedy was my leaving to go back to the USA. Our… Continue reading

How A Pastor’s Kid Survived Sexual and Emotional Suppression, Came Out Gay and Got Married at 44 Years Old

Okay, this is going to be a bit lengthy, so if you need to make some popcorn or pour a glass of wine, I would suggest doing it now. This is Netflix material!… Continue reading

  • A Little About Me

    My name is Jill. I’m a writer, deep thinker and on a quest to BE PRESENT and BE LOVE. I’m an ex-churchgoer. I’ve lived in 27 different places in my life. I was once an island dweller and I’ve been a pioneer in a handful of start-up organizations in the USA, Switzerland, and Honduras. Oh and I should mention that I was a real 40-yr-old virgin  when I came out. I hope to validate others experiences in abusive churches by sharing my stories and truths. I want you to leave here thinking differently and honoring that still small voice within you.

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