Tag Archive: church abuse

Bites of Narcissism

“…ministry is a magnet for narcissistic personality – who else would want to speak on behalf of God every week?” A friend of mine recently started a group on Facebook for those who… Continue reading

The Secrets Christians Keep

It did feel like a secret at the time because of all of our Christian beliefs about homosexuality. I guess the only remedy was my leaving to go back to the USA. Our… Continue reading

When Church Leaders Abuse Their Position

At the young age of 22, I entered into a youth program through Christ Church Kirkland (CCK), called Master’s Commission. This was an intense one year course, that focused on discipleship & leadership… Continue reading

Close Your Bible. Open Your Mind.

To all the Christians who think people who commit certain “sins” are going to hell, well, I must tell you, I would rather be in “hell” with all the loving, accepting, free-thinking people… Continue reading

I Was A “True Believer”

I recently read an article that a friend sent me and it validated in fresh words, why I have felt more anger and depression and grief from exiting Christ Church Kirkland, than others… Continue reading

The Bible and The Church Never Taught Me Unconditional Love

I started going to church with my family at 5 years old. For 30 years, I attended church every week. I read my Bible every day. My life was Christianity, the church and… Continue reading

I don’t believe in Jesus. I believe in LOVE.

Do you know what a polemicist is without looking it up in the dictionary? I didn’t when I read in my astrological Gemini traits of a potential career. That word popped out at… Continue reading

Christians, let me ruffle your feathers!

WARNING: If you are sensitive about your Christian faith, and don’t want to hear anything negative about Christians, then I suggest reading something lighter. Here are a few blogs you might enjoy to feel comforted… Continue reading

  • A Little About Me

    My name is Jill. I’m a writer, deep thinker and on a quest to BE PRESENT and BE LOVE. I’m an ex-churchgoer. I’ve lived in 27 different places in my life. I was once an island dweller and I’ve been a pioneer in a handful of start-up organizations in the USA, Switzerland, and Honduras. Oh and I should mention that I was a real 40-yr-old virgin  when I came out. I hope to validate others experiences in abusive churches by sharing my stories and truths. I want you to leave here thinking differently and honoring that still small voice within you.

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